Spotted LanternFly Sightings in Frederick Md.

Spotted LanternFly Sightings in Frederick Md.

Spotted LanternFly Sightings in Frederick Md.

24 Jan

Happy Sunday to everyone!! In our humble corner of the world, the countless Spotted LanternFly sightings in Frederick, Md. has become a hot topic in the past few months. And although these colorful moths look harmless they are actually considered an invasive specie.

So without further ado here’s a little history on the Spotted LanternFly and what we can all do as homeowners to keep them at bay.

What is a Spotted LanternFly?

The SPL is an invasive sap feeding insect.  They come in DROVES almost like an unwanted group of lazy couch crusaders. They move at a glaciers pace and once you spot one on your property rest assured there are thousands of them waiting in the wings-lurking. They do not bite nor do they sting, but their mere presence is an annoyance to most. Especially for homeowners who take pride in their landscape and trees.

The Origin of the Spotted LanternFly

The spotted LanternFly hails from China, India, and Vietnam. It arrived from imported goods from Asia. From there it migrated and was first spotted in 2014 in Pennsylvania. The first sightings in Maryland were in Cecil County.

Spotted LanternFly Sightings in Frederick Md. and what to do if you find them nesting in your yard
  1. Report any sightings in Frederick County by  filling out this form. 
  2. Destroy Eggs and Nymphs (look on hard surfaces like rocks, trees, porches, railings and deck furniture).
  3. Use Traps or Sticky Bands (Click here for Home Depot Product) 
  4. Monitor your trees and shrubs bi weekly to detect any Chlorosis or Necrosis developing on leaves

Do Spotted LanternFly’s Damage Local Trees and Shrubs?

In a word-YES. Although the jury is still out on the extent of the harm they do. Here are a few ways they negatively impact local vegetation….

Feeding damage: The SPL uses piercing-sucking mouthparts to pull sap from plants. The cumulative effect of hundreds of them feeding together will eventually weaken the plant, leading to nutrient deficiencies, reduced growth, wilted foliage, and potentially death of the plant.

The Excretion of honeydew: Spotted lanternflies excrete a sugary substance called honeydew during their feeding. This attracts other insects like ants which ultimately promotes the unwanted growth of sooty mold.

Impact on agriculture: In agricultural areas, the SPL can wreak havoc on crops such as grapes, causing economic losses for farmers and wineries. We have helped quite a few wineries in Frederick County prepare and protect their grapes.

A Little Help Goes a Long Way 

Monitoring is the absolute best form of preventative maintenance. Although spotted lantern fly sightings in Frederick, Md. are becoming a daily occurrence. And although our Trees and Shrubs are resilient, it doesn’t mean they couldn’t benefit from a routine checkup now and again. Just as most of us go to an annual checkup with our family doctor, your landscape could use an annual check up as well.  Don’t hesitate to call A1 Tree Pros with any questions. We are here to help. The craziness of Central Maryland’s  up and down climate stress out local vegetation. A little monitoring goes a long way my friends.

The Brave New World of Invasive Species (Oh Ye of Little Faith) 

The news of the day sometimes feels like a never ending cycle of impending doom. During these tumultuous times it’s important to remember that as Eco Systems and Global Warming continue to find their balance, we (as humans) need to inevitably get use to the idea of new (and sometimes interesting) species popping up.  Our world is ever changing but nature will preserve and eventually persevere. So if anything have a little faith as we shall overcome! Stay vibrant my friends!!!