Winter Washes (Insect Attacks)

Winter Washes (Insect Attacks)

Winter Washes (Insect Attacks)

01 Mar

If your trees or plants get infected badly from insect attacks in this year for example aphid, scale, red spider mite and another, then there can be a high possibility that they will be back again next year in much more quantity.

The reason is that majority of these insects survive for only one year. Finally, towards the end of the growing season they lay down their eggs just under the bark or in bark cracks or fissures, which cannot be seen by a naked eye. When spring comes, the eggs hatch and the newly born offspring start where their ancestors left off the last year.

This situation can, however, be overcome during the winter by a winter wash. Winter washes are based on a biodegradable oil produced from oil seed rape that is applied to fully dormant plants as a tonic or brush that destroys overwintering eggs of, for example, aphids, psyllids, scale insects, mealybugs, and moths. Winter washes also have a benefit of that they will also destroy productions of mosses and lichens on tree trunks and twigs that cannot be seen by a naked eye. Consult our highly professional experts frederick md tree care for further precautions to get rid of such serious problems.